3 Day Juice Fast … It Went by Fast!

Green Goodness (with a “side” of cat tail!)

We did it! My friend and I committed to a 3-Day Juice Fast! Even though we felt pretty well & dandy before, we don’t remember feeling this good on all levels (spiritual, mental, emotional and physical) in a long time! In 3 days, we each consumed the following: 6 green apples, 2 bunches of spinach, 2 bunches of kale, 4 lemons, 4 inches of fresh, burdock root, 5 cucumbers, 1 red beet, 8 celery sticks, 6 carrots, 1 pineapple, half a butternut squash, 1 head of broccoli, 1 head romaine lettuce, 1 bunch cilantro, 1 lime, 1 bunch mint, 1 bunch parsley, 2 inches of fresh ginger, 3 cups of homemade vegetable broth, and A LOT of herbal tea & water!

We’re not strangers to juice cleanses yet this was our first juice fast! Wow! It’s beyond amazing what our sacred bodies can do everyday yet it is especially MINDBLOWING to fully experience what cleansing & healing take place when we give our digestive system a break from solid food!! Did you know that, on average, 50-70% of our body’s energy is utilized on digesting food each day? Most people have up to 10 lbs of excess “stuff” in their digestive tracks and toxins get accumulated – leading to tiredness, lack of energy, moodiness, not being able to sleep at night and on an on it goes. I will not get into the surplus values of juice fasting as that would make this post too lengthy to read …

It was another transforming wellness practice that we committed to – together. Supporting each other 110% of the juicy way. We are both vegetarians and eat very clean with a lot of vegetables, fruits, seeds, we make our own kombucha and hummus, we sprout, we meditate and are very wellness-conscious all around. We challenged ourselves with this juice fast to improve our wellness even more as there’s always room for growth.

During the fast, people often asked us “don’t you get hungry?”. A few times there were some subtle “almost hungry” feelings yet they passed quickly. At one time, I almost ate a walnut yet resisted the urge and messaged my partner instead. She gave me a very supportive, understanding and loving reply to just drink more tea! It worked ? It’s incredible how wonderful we both feel – it’s like we are brand new or took a week’s vacation by the beach. You know that fresh feeling after showering and hopping into some cozy, clean clothes? That’s how we felt ALL the time! Alert minds, feeling even more present and aware, having more energy, feeling lighter, concentrating and focusing more easily … it’s been sensational. I have to admit, before the fast I thought it would be difficult to be around solid food or the scents of delicious food cooking … yet it wasn’t at all!

In addition to drinking nutrient-dense juices that we could feel feeding our cells, we also incorporated the following: dry brushing and tongue scraping before brushing our teeth, rebounding on our Bellicon (“mini-trampoline”) to aid our lymph system, meditating, Reiki, and of course extra strength from all our gemstones. It was challenging and we drew on each others strength, love and courage at all times. It was an amazing way to grow together in mind, body and spirit. If you’ve read up to this point and are still curious, the juice recipes we used were from The Blender Girl
Wishing all of you utmost wellness in body, mind, & spirit! Check out the short & sweet “Our First 3 Day Juice Fast” video compilation I made below … let me know what you think! If you haven’t already liked my Wellness Woman Inc. page, please check it out!
Cheers to our commitment to wellness!  Thank you to our dear friend for kindly lending us The Champion juicer! It almost got maxed out! We also really appreciated you checking in with us from time to time to see what was “cooking!” Words of support and encouragement from you were heartfelt and kept us juicing ; #wellnesswomaninc #wellnesswoman #juicefasting #theblendergirl #3dayfast #cleansingFirst 3 Day Juice Fast 2017First 3 Day Juice Fast 2017

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